
How To Outlive Monsters In Monster Wars

So, what we take hither is several different discussion docs that provide some general info nearly the game, some Q&A with Mike Giam and Dylan Jobe from Incog. I discovered that the 2 Mike Giam docs weren't really Q&A, merely had the aforementioned info every bit the Character info, and Content guide, and so I condensed the repetitive.

State of war Of the Monsters Contents Guide

Developer: Incog Inc Entertainment

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Languages: English, French, Italian, German language and Spanish

Players'' : 1-two Players

Platform: PS2

Disc form: DVD


War of the Monsters is a elementary fighting game that anyone tin can pick up and appoint in. The control scheme is straightforward -- you to a certain extent demand only 4 buttons. You'll spend the principal function of your fourth dimension running, jumping, and attacking. Every now then you'll throw an object or carry out a special attack.

Up to four monsters tin can stomp around each level: one player and three CPU-controlled monsters or two players and ii CPU-controlled monsters.

The environments in War of the Monsters are enormously interactive. You can pick upwards cars from the road and use them as a makeshift projectile weapon. Also, pretty much everything you can see can be destroyed. Furthermore, the collateral impairment yous inflict creates some groovy weapons for y'all to use.

For example, afterwards you topple a edifice, you can pick up a large block of cement from the rubble and hurl information technology at your foe. Similarly, if yous knock over a radio tower, you can selection upwardly an antenna and impale your enemy with it.

There are as well environment-specific catastrophes you tin can crusade, like earthquakes and tidal waves. Unmarried-player mode features cut scenes, which are stylishly presented. An overstated narrator tells the story and the scenes are grainy, as if an old film were existence projected.


  • Clash with up to three opponents simultaneously for a four-monster battle royale – battle against three CPU-controlled monsters in single-player mode, or challenge a friend and two CPU-controlled opponents in two-player mode.
  • Multiple attack techniques are available for strategic combat – bung projectiles at opponents, clobber them with uppercuts, karate kicks and thunderous slaps, or lock fists in a grapple for supremacy.
  • 2-thespian carve up screen view dramatically merges for full screen action equally the combatants approach one some other.
  • Climb, leap, strafe or rampage through 12 fully destructible environments.

Battlegrounds are alive with moving vehicles, towering buildings, people and war machine defenses.

  • Chief each monster's "rage" and unleash a special attack strong enough to flatten a 100-foot tall giant.
  • Pulverize opponents with body slams or send them hurling across cityscapes.
  • Scour the battlefield for weapons such every bit steel girders, army tanks and radio antenna; swing them to crush downwardly opponents or throw them to impale and stun them.
  • Trigger environmental attacks such as tidal waves, earthquakes and vicious emmet swarms. Aggravate opponents with roaring battle taunts.

Mini-Games and Multiple 1 & 2 Player Modes

Adventure, Gratuitous-for-All, Emptying and Endurance – to extend replay value.


For 1 or ii players, with up to four monsters total in the environs. Monsters play to a gear up number of kills. The first to achieve this number wins. Notation that deaths due to ecology hazards (ex: getting crushed by buildings) are counted equally negative kills against the victim.

Sudden Decease:

The first monster to score a kill wins the game. Again, deaths due to the environment count every bit negative kills which must be made up earlier positive kills are counted.


Single player only game in which the player selects an surround and, using but a singe life bar, tries to kill as many monsters in a row as possible (1 at a fourth dimension) Emptying:

Each player is given the same number of respawns (up to 5). With each death, the actor is allowed to select a new monster. The loser is the first player to use up all of their respawns.

Mini-Games (all 2 Role player only)


3 hits with dodgeball object wins game. The only actions used aside from manoeuvring are pick up and throw.

Big Shot:

Using the combination of dash and ram, launch monster off buildings to land on target buildings.


The monster that causes the near destruction in 45 seconds wins the game.


General default control map (control Scheme B & C are in the game Options menu)

Game Controls.jpg

Triangle = Heavy Dial

Square = low-cal attack (shut range) / monster projectile (long range)

X = Spring (the longer jump is held, the higher the jump) / Wing Flap (for flying monsters)

R2 = Block

D-Pad/Left Stick turn right and left, forward, backwards

R1, L1 = Strafe Correct and left, respectively

R1+L1 = Target Pin (D-Pad left right turns into strafe/rotate around target). Basically a Zelda-Z-Trigger Lock.

L2 = Transmission Aim Modifier (i.east. look around)

Naked Monster (without objects) Punches/ Hand to Hand (H2H) You lot must be in range to start throwing hits. The moves follow a format that is somewhat place holder, based on direction. The blazon of move for each direction stays more or less consistent for all modes (bat, grapple, normal h2h). Below is a run down:

A = Heavy Dial (Triangle) plus no direction. This will be the "novice ability combo". By hit this button repeatedly the role player will get a series of ability hits.

B = Heavy Dial (Triangle) + Up. This executes a stun hitting. Notation that stun hits cannot be blocked simply are the slowest to execute.

C = Heavy Dial (Triangle) + Down. This is executes the monster'southward powerful knock-back hit.

D = Light Dial (Square) + Up. This is a "shove", or a dial that puts monsters out of achieve without causing a knock-back or knockdown to the victim.

East = Lite Punch (Square) + Down. This is a "calorie-free" uppercut, a juggle move that knocks the victim into the air and abroad a short distance, leaving them ripe for follow-upward hits

F = Lite Punch (Square) plus no direction. This is the fast attack button. Pressing it repeatedly yields the "novice fast philharmonic" which is a basic string of faster weak attacks. Mashing on A or F will give yous a default combo string. Nearly monsters have three or four hits with their default combos, and you tin interchange between light and heavy.

To create longer strings of attacks for example, try pressing Low-cal Punch (Foursquare) 2-three times and instead of hitting Lite Punch (Square) the last time forthe uppercut, switch over to heavy punches.

For some monsters switching back and forth between heavy and light allows the player to string together upwardly to x hits before the separating knock-back blow occurs. The linking windows are closer to the end of the punch.

Generally, yous have roughly half to ¾ of a second to printing the next punch button to link to another punch.

Call up when improvising combo strings not simply to apply basic low-cal and heavy attacks, merely also to experiment with the modified moves such equally stuns, the juggle and knock-back uppercuts, etc.

Other Naked Moves

  • Double tap forward and hold = Dash
  • (while in Mid-air) Forrad + Triangle = dive attack. Note that dive attacks accept a small "impact radius" that surrounds the betoken where they hit the ground. Too, at that place is a minimum height for dive attacks. If the monster is as well low, and so a dive set on is non possible.
  • (while opponent is laid out on the footing) Heavy Punch (Triangle)= ground attack on the prone monster.

Defensive Moves

  • R2 to cake, which protects against 90% of damage
  • While property block press the assault push button to attempt a "counter" on an incoming attack. A while wink will betoken a successful counter and the assaulter will exist momentarily stunned.
  • (While beingness grappled and lifted overhead) intense button pounding past the actor being lifted overhead will gradually drain the opponent'due south blue energy/stamina bar. If the bar reaches zero, so the enemy will drop the player.
  • While an object is being thrown at the player'south monster, the player can apply the activity button (circle past default) to actually catch incoming objects – provided they have practiced timing!
  • While property a bat-manner object (ex: I-beam girders), players can swing them at an incoming thrown object to knock the shot back to where it came from.
  • During a heavy knock-back, hitting block while your feet are facing the ground will execute a recovery, saving the victim the additional damage from landing hard on the ground.
  • If the thespian hits the heavy attack button while getting up from being knocked down, they will execute a short-range knockdown of their ain. This useful in getting the upper mitt on opponents that stay a niggling also close after a knockdown.


To become a special, you must either earn or collect one. Collecting one is only a thing finding the glowing ruby-red power-up. Earning 1 requires that the histrion fill the blue energy/stamina bar completely through the both the blue and red phases.

This can exist done using a combination of gathering blueish option-ups and using objects in the environment in general (ex: bats, thrown cars, etc.). Once the stamina bar has been filled up past the red phase, a special volition be awarded, as signified past the glowing ruby-red dot on the HUD. Simply one tin exist held at a time. Filling the stamina bar will allow the histrion to choose i of three things:

In addition, for the duration of monster rage, firing the default monster projectile does not drain bluish energy/stamina. Monster rage lasts for as long as it takes the ruby phase of the stamina bar to completely bleed.

  • Execute an omni-directional "crowd control" attack that is a brusk range concussion boom useful for striking multiple close opponents. This is executed by pressing (in the default configuration) Ten and square at the same time.
  • Go into "monster rage" by taunting. This is signified by the monster's hands beginning to glow. During monster rage the monster is slightly stronger and is able to attack more rapidly with blows that have less filibuster between them. In addition, for the duration of monster rage, firing the default monster projectile does not bleed blue energy/stamina. Monster rage lasts for equally long as information technology takes the scarlet phase of the stamina bar to completely drain.
  • Execute the monster special. This is a projectile-based special whose effect is unique to each monster. This can be executed past pressing triangle and circumvolve at the aforementioned fourth dimension.
  • Note that some monsters, such as Agamo, Robo47, etc. have secondary command mechanisms for their specials.


  • When inside range of grapple, press Circle
  • With the opponent grappled, press Square repeatedly to perform multiple Grapple Attacks
  • With the opponent grappled, press Triangle to perform a single "blast abroad" hit
  • With the opponent grappled, printing Circle to throw opponent. Note that target pinning can exist used in conjunction with this activeness to throw one opponent at another.
  • With the opponent grappled, printing Circle+upwards to lob opponents into the air
  • With the opponent grappled, printing block to use them as a partial shield.

Remember, when grappling is occurring, the monster beingness held in the grapple tin can mash their buttons to drain stamina from the grappler and escape!


Normal Objects:

All of these actions are possible while property an object. Many of these functions spill over into the other objects as well.

  • Pressing whatsoever attack with object in-hand will attack with the object inflicting more impairment. Somewhen the in-hand object will "break" and be destroyed, withal.
  • Press block with an object in paw to allow information technology absorb some or all harm. Once again, eventually the object will be destroyed.
  • Printing Circle to throw object. Note that this can be combined with target pinning to help the thespian aim, but even without target pinning the game will try to help the histrion'due south aim automatically to a lesser degree.

Spear Object:

Spear objects feature all of the normal object functions with a modification on what occurs when thrown.

  • Unlike normal objects that are destroyed when thrown, spears will really impale their targets, momentarily immobilizing them.
  • When Speared, the victim needs to brew on buttons to pull the spear gratis
  • Note that spears can, to a very express extent, be "re-used". Within the showtime throw or two, the spear can actually be pulled out and thrown past the victim at some other opponent. Afterward the first 1 or two throws, however, the spear volition simply be destroyed on impact and no longer kill.
  • Also note that spears cannot commonly be blocked, but can be caught!

Club Object:

Club objects follow the same format every bit the punches, including stun hits, shoves, uppercuts, etc... They vary in that they inflict more damage and have more than range

  • Using the Club at the proper time a thrown object is coming at them volition actually reflect the shot back to where it came from.
  • Club tin can take express damage, and so be wary during attack sequences of suddenly going from armed to unarm as the bat is destroyed.

Shooting Object:

This covers elements such equally ability transformers, tanks, missile launchers, gun turrets.

  • These objects act like normal object, EXCEPT when at monster-projectile distances, Light Set on will fire the weapons/guns. Shots range from one (power transformers) to many (missile launchers, gun turrets)
  • When at shut range, these objects volition be used as a bludgeon automatically, just similar any other object.

Explosive Objects:

This covers elements such equally power transformers, tanker trucks, airplanes, fuel tanks, etc.

  • These objects are used like whatsoever other normal objects except that upon their destruction they explode.
  • Power transformers release an electrical explosion when thrown.
  • Tanker trucks, fuel tanks, etc. explode with not bad forcefulness likewise as light the victim on fire.
  • Airplanes and the like simply acquit concussive force with no fire effect
  • When at close range, these objects will be used as a bludgeon automatically, merely similar any other object. This means that when they are destroyed in this fashion, the secondary effect will exist unleashed. Beware of getting caught in the smash!


This covers special environmental objects that are large-size and (of course) indestructible. Ex: the large Egyptian-style head in Gambler'south Gulch.

  • When held in the monster'due south grasp, the monster cannot bound as high, run as fast or use any attacks, including the default monster projectile
  • On the positive side, if block is held, the object can be used as an indestructible shield
  • Most chiefly, these objects inflict heavy damage when thrown at an opponent, but cannot themselves exist destroyed

War of the Monsters Monster Biographies

Preytor - Behemothic Mutated Preying Mantis

Once a deadly carnivore in the insect globe. Preytor has mutated into a savage monster as a result of an experiment gone awry. Armed with piercing appendages and an ability to regurgitate a parasitic life grade, this flying monstrosity feeds on destruction. Preytor unleashes a semi-sentient "leech issues". While it can be shot down or otherwise destroyed in flight, one time it is attached to the victim it cannot be removed or destroyed until it has washed its share of harm. Note besides that Preytor has the power to wing (each flap uses upwardly a portion of bluish energy/stamina)

Congar - Mutated Ape

Congar is a super-gorilla fuelled by anger, astronomical strength and an insatiable desire for revenge. Along with his extreme reach and destructive punches, his sonic roar is extremely damaging at close range. Congar's curt-range sonic roar creates a loftier-touch cone of destruction capable of knocking fifty-fifty the heaviest of monsters off their feet.

Robo47 - Epitome cold state of war robot

A armed forces war robot whose fourth dimension ended at the demise of the diminutive age. Robo-47 packs heavy approximate steel plating and armaments once thought to exist the pinnacle of modern technology. But Robo-47'southward shortcomings simply reside in its dated appearance. His atomic missile packs enough dial to level a building…and the surrounding city block. Robo47's special is his super-missile. Notation that the missile is not fired until the Circle + Triangle are released. This means that a player can press circle+triangle to activate it and concur the buttons downwardly to delay its release. Note also that pressing circle+triangle a second time earlier the missile comes up out of the chest cavity can abort the missile's activation without price. Also, Robo47 is immune to the effect of the smash from his own missile, fifty-fifty if used at point blank range.

Agamo - Rock idol brought to life

Agamo's massive stone structure is believed to be the work of a civilization that vanished eons ago. The fire called-for in its eyes and head hint at the rage that has engulfed its soul. Agamo can effortlessly control the molecules binding its stone body together and create a large boulder of massive destructive capabilities.

Agamo'south special is two stage. The kickoff time circle+triangle is pressed, Agamo will remove his head, converting information technology into a huge object (while growing a new one). From this signal the head tin can be used every bit a shield or an attacking object. It tin also exist thrown with great forcefulness by pressing circle. After it has been thrown, pressing Circumvolve+Triangle again will "detonate" the head, causing it to explode with bully force.

Annotation that Agamo is invulnerable to the strength of the blast from his ain special.

Ultra V - Land-of-the-art warrior robot

====Ultra 5 is the fifth version of a group of super robots designed to exist saviours for cities under siege. Equipped with state-of-the-fine art center lasers, space-age-metal, rocket firing fists and an free energy sword. Ultra Five is ready to eliminate whatsoever threat to mankind. Now with a mind of its ain, there is footling to preclude information technology from unleashing its destructive engineering. Ultra V's special launches it'south fist out on a chain to take hold of opponents and bring them close in to Ultra V's reach where information technology tin can pummel them. During the grabbing process the victim is stunned, leaving them entirely vulnerable when they arrive. Notation that for actress damage Ultra V can pick upwards an object, such as a tanker truck, so that the grappling fist will hit the victim with it during the grab process.====

Magmo - Living creature of magma and rock

A monster protected by the cooling of its molten hot lava, Magmo sprouts four arms and a deep desire to scorch the earth. When it unleashes its furious Volcano-inspired special, a hail of lava volition come pouring from the sky.

&nbsp Magmo's special is a salvo of semi-homing lava bombs that not merely inflict damage on the thespian, just tin can also lift them higher into the air with each successive impact.

Kineticlops - Creature of living energy

A beast of pure free energy, its origin remains a mystery. However, scientists theorise that the electricity somehow mixed with an organic life form to produce a strange union of organic and elemental mass. Strangely, the suspended eyeball in the middle of its torso appears to be immune to the surges of electricity that radiate from its trunk during its special assault. Eye witnesses claim that the constructive range of these electrical bolts tin can span unabridged cities.

Kineticlops' special is a uncomplicated concatenation lightning blast. What it lacks in both range and ability it makes up for in the fact that, when faced with multiple opponents, the special volition actually arc among all targets inside range, hitting multiple enemies.

Togera - Reptillian body of water monster

Togera is believed to be a descendent of the gigantic dinosaurs that once roamed the earth millions of years ago. At present, it is possibly the last of its species. Survival drives it to fight savagely – morphing its body to beetle deadly "bone" spikes and spitting mortiferous streams of energy.

Togera's special is a searing blast of atomic flame. Although it does dandy damage, information technology does non stun or knock down opponents, so it is best executed on a stunned or otherwise immobilised target. Also exist wary of its somewhat limited range.

Raptros - Winged Dragon

Raptros' special is similar in concept to Togera's atomic flame. What makes hisspecial additionally dangerous is the fact that it tin exist combined with the ability of flying for a powerful air attack (much like Preytor, Raptros uses up a portion of bluish energy/stamina with each wing flap).

Zorgulon - Conflicting monster

&nbsp Zorgulon'southward special has the alien fire a "targeting beacon" at the victim. This results in a modest team of UFO's actualization and peppering the target with numerous laser blasts. Notation that while the victim cannot get rid of the targeting beacon, they tin destroy the swarming UFOs.

==War of the Monsters Level Descriptions==

Midtown Park: This park is an oasis of green amid the traffic filled downtown district of i of the busiest cities in the world. The trademark iv-corner buildings stand up baby-sit over the little pool of natural placidity in an otherwise hectic metropolis.

Gambler'south Gulch: This strip houses some of the best gambling in the world, with its extravagant themed casinos constantly being joined by newer ones under construction. Crowds of tourists spend millions of dollars trying to beat the odds each twelvemonth underneath the larger-than-life signs and flashing lights.

Rosdale Canyon: A acme-clandestine military base houses decommissioned military experiments and weapons. Although the government denies the existence of this base, strange shapes on the horizon and flashes in the night sky lend credence to the rumors of alien research and paradigm experimentation.

Atomic Island: Built on the site of a radiation-testing zone, Atomic Isle at present houses a prototype nuclear plant. Although "safe" research occurs, the possibility of a meltdown has driven most of its inhabitants to vacate.

Club Caldera: An island resort nestled deep in a tropical climate, this is a favored destination spot for numerous vacationers. It offers enough of lord's day, splendid customer service and a very skilful view of the volcano. Experts fearfulness, however, that under the right weather condition the usually stable volcano may erupt.

Baytown: A breezy city cradled by ocean waters, Baytown's absurd climate and picturesque landscape are almost enough to make one forget that it lies on an earthquake fault zone. One tin can just hope that in that location will never be sufficient stress to trigger "the big one".

Metro Metropolis: An expansive urban center bustling with millions of people, a state-of-the-art rail system and hundreds of skyscrapers. Urban housing and industrial complexes outline the downtown business commune.

====Tsunoplis: A neon city surrounded by deep ocean waters. Considered ane of the nearly technologically advanced cities in the globe, information technology was an early target of surveillance by the invading UFOs. Even with the rise of the monsters, a UFO remains positioned offshore, its mysterious purpose unknown.====

State of war of the MonstersTM Q&A Dylan Jobe – Producer, Incog Inc Amusement

War of the Monsters, not your typical fighting game.

'Nosotros didn't want to rehash the sometime 2d fighters; we wanted to create a new gameplay experience within the combat genre. The fighting game has been stuck in a rut for the last few years and we wanted to pause out with a fresh concept. We mixed in brusk and long range attacks equally well as a great bargain of level interaction. In State of war of the Monsters you take complete liberty to vary how and when you battle your opponent. This freedom to grapple hand to hand or burn expiry rays and throw vehicles really opens up the genre. The new photographic camera engineering plays a big part in this and allows u.s.a. to mix and match gameplay to produce the best result' .

Ane of the elements that immune us to pull off this total freedom of combat was our target panning. It's a very simple element to use; the photographic camera volition automatically marshal to face your opponent. You can pull of really spectacular moves without the disorientation of some 3D games. It keeps the monster combat orbiting and focused on each other. If you want to get away you tin release the pinning button and run abroad.

Tell u.s. virtually the innovative two actor split up screen?

One of the core elements of State of war of the Monsters is the mixture of long and curt range attacks. Very early on in evolution we decided that traditional camera techniques were non going to piece of work for our game. Nosotros spent a great deal deal of fourth dimension experimenting with different ideas but we finally settled on our camera unification technology. In our two- player mode we support a split-screen manner merely when the monsters go close together the new system detects this and cross dissolves from split screen manner to one fighting view which allows the player to engage in hand to hand combat and gage distance and move. One player might knock the other across the level and the system detects this and splits dorsum into 2 views. Information technology allows the hybrid gameplay in one player and ii player to actually shine through.

What is your favourite part of War of the Monsters?

I enjoy the fast action and huge explosions. We wanted to stay true to the overall theme of big monsters brawling but we didn't desire it to be irksome and sluggish. We had it that manner at first and decided nosotros wanted to attempt a unlike route. In the end gameplay is king – so many of our monsters have very fast attacks which is out of character with such huge creatures but makes for a fun game.

Who is your favourite Monster?

Nosotros tried to appeal to a broad spectrum of both visual and gameplay tastes in terms of the remainder of characters. Some characters are tedious moving but heavy hitters, while others are ultra fast. We tried to provide a practiced residue of characters to choose from.

My personal favourites are Ultra V and Robo 47 just because I am a fan of Japanese robot TV serial and movies.

Discuss the environments and environmental attacks.

All of the levels have an insane amount of player interaction. Not merely are they completely destructible which is groovy fun in information technology's own right. Many of the levels have hidden attacks that you lot can utilize against your opponent. For case in the Club Caldera level if you dive attack some of the little volcano nubs y'all can crusade the main volcano to send flaming magma rocks out at your opponent. On atomic island the player can dive set on a radioactive button which fills the eye of the level full of nuclear waste which you lot can throw your opponent into.

Everything in State of war of the Monsters is destructible and interactive, every building, every little car. Not only is it correct out of the monster movies but it has several central gameplay elements. Kickoff and foremost information technology is ammunition, if a edifice is destroyed the rubble and girders can exist used in battle. And so as the buildings are destroyed the fighting experience changes and fuels gainsay. If y'all were to fight multiple battles on a level you would discover that they would all play very differently depending on which buildings are destroyed. The gameplay strategies and tactics change from boxing to battle. This adds a great deal to the replay value.

Tell u.s. near the Dominate Characters.

In the single player mode there is an evolution of the main story that fits in with the main 50s and 60s monster flick themes. Y'all fight monsters, robots, UFOs, and the war machine, in between the game is punctuated with key boss battles. This helps the actor learn a certain gameplay mechanic they need to progress. Information technology is an exciting interruption to spice up the ane player fashion.

Object use?

At that place are different objects scattered throughout the levels, some are created by building devastation and others by different elements such equally traffic. For instance a gas tanker can exist thrown at an opponent which causes massive damage and a huge explosion. The resulting fire causes a persistent hazard in the level from and then on. Radio towers can be used as javelins and spears – these are transitional and can exist used for both long and brusque range attacks. And so you lot can kill a monster past throwing an antenna which you tin and then pull free and utilize every bit a clubbing weapon. At that place are girders that can be used every bit bats to club monsters and also to defend against attacks. Electrical generators can exist found below the rubble, if you throw them at your opponent you volition crusade secondary damage. You lot can also apply the military as a weapon by picking up a tank you can throw it at a monster or y'all can really use the cannon from the tank.

Can you tell united states of america a secret most State of war of the Monsters?

There are subconscious gameplay layers for all of the monsters in-game. One of the things that we tried to exercise at the cadre gameplay was make it pick and play but there are cloak-and-dagger mechanics that are subconscious throughout the game. The catch mechanic is one such element – for example if one player picks up a auto and throws it at another player he can then press the activity push and catch it. The game is brindled with this sort of 3rd and fourth level gameplay mechanic.

If you could have ane super monster power what would it be?

A super belch power to lay waste to entire cities – all big monsters should have this power!


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